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Katie Linero
Katie Linero Senior Software Engineer

Hi, I'm Katie!

About Me (Professionally)

I’m a senior software engineer at Healthie, where I have worked since 2024; prior to that, I worked at Cuttlesoft from 2015 to 2024. I use and have experience with a wide range of technologies, but my bread and butter is Ruby on Rails, which I’ve been working in since 2013.

For a more complete reckoning of my work experience and skills, check out my CV.

About Me (Personally)

I’m a mom (of two) with a cat, a dog, and a frankly untenable number of plants. I am happily living in Austin, TX, though I do miss all the rain I’m used to as a Florida native. My favorite genre is fantasy, whether reading, watching, or gaming. I love words and wordplay and, like most people, enjoy music. I generally don’t like having an internet presence, and I especially dislike writing “about me” content. 🙃

Ask me about any of the above at your own risk!